Information Literacy 1
- Choose a topic or identify your question
- Be as specific as possible.
- Have your goal in mind. Are you writing a research paper, an essay, a speech, etc.?
- How much information do you need? Do you need a specific number of sources? You may need more sources for a lengthy paper.
- What type of information do you need to accomplish your goal? Do you need a variety of sources? Do you need to use books, magazines, journals, online sources, etc.?
- Select a topic by using information sources
- CQ Researcher, a weekly publication covering current and controversial topics. Available electronically from the library's webpage under "Research Resources."
- ProQuest National Newspapers provides online access to current, full text newspaper articles. Available electronically from the library's webpage under "Research Resources."
- Credo Reference searches encyclopedias and dictionaries to provide overviews of a variety of topics. Available electronically from the library's webpage under "Research Resources."
- Ask a librarian: or call 831 759-6078
- Narrow or develop a topic
- Read about your topic. Find background information from an encyclopedia, textbook or other general source. If your topic is current or new, you may need to use a periodical or newspaper article available in the library's database.
- Write down keywords, important names, dates, ideas and variant spellings and synonyms.
- Using "bilingual education" as an example:
- List synonyms and related words about the subject such as education, language instruction, bilingualism, limited English speaking, second language, non-English speaking, immersion programs, etc.
- List the people involved such as students, teachers, parents, school administrators, politicians, etc.
- List the time period covering your topic such as 1960s to present
- List any other pertinent information such as politics, class size, economy, fiscal impact, student success, etc.
- List words that describe the geographical and/or political area such as United States, California, Texas, etc.
- Using "bilingual education" as an example:
- Create a rough outline
- Organize your ideas.
- Include an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Your instructor may prefer a slightly different organization.
- Create a preliminary bibliography
- This is an alphabetical list of sources on your topic.
- As you gather information on your topic, write each source in a separate document in the proper bibliographic format
- See our handouts for MLA (PDF) and APA (PDF) citation styles from the guides on the library webpage under "How to Cite Information."
- Select the appropriate sources of information
- Critically examine the information and sources.
- Choose the best information.
- Take notes using the sources that give your paper depth.
- Write down the page number and source for each note.
- Make this information part of your own understanding
- Arrange your notes. Use the outline from step 4 as your guide.
- Revise your outline and bibliography as you add new sources.
- Integrate material from sources into your own writing by summarizing, paraphrasing, and/or quoting.
- Draw from your own experience and knowledge.
- Write a rough draft.
- Include the information from your outline.
- Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Does it read logically and fluidly?
- Format your paper correctly
- Include your list of works cited or references using the bibliographic format required by your instructor.
- Use Times New Roman size 12 font for your paper with 1" margins
Web Sites:
Writing a Research Paper from the Online Writing Center at Purdue University
Academic Writing: Resources from the Writers Workshop at University of Illinois
Books at Hartnell Library
Badke, William. Research Strategies . Call Number: Z710 .B23 2017
D'Yanni, Robert. Scribner Handbook for Writers . Call Number: PE1408 .D56 1995
Hacker, Diana. A Writer's Reference . Call Number: PE 1408 .H2778 2015
McDonald, Stephen. The Writer's Response . Call Number: PE1408 .M267 2010
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