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Information Literacy 3

This handout introduces library sources to help you understand controversial issues and develop persuasive arguments and essays.

Electronic resources are available off-campus to registered students. Contact the reference librarian for access information.

CQ Researcher

Weekly publication providing comprehensive, balanced coverage of current topics in the news. A special feature includes knowledgeable experts presenting opposing points of view. Available electronically from the library's databases (See Research Resources on the library homepage.)

EBSCOhost Databases

Multi-disciplinary databases that provide access to full text articles and peer reviewed titles. Cover many subject areas and a broad range of disciplines. A partial list of databases include Academic Search Complete, MasterFILE Complete, CINAHL, Criminal Justice Abstracts, Health Source, MEDLINE, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. (See Research Resources on the library homepage.)

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

Viewpoint articles on subjects in the news and controversial issues are featured. Fulltext magazine articles, scholarly journal articles, newspaper articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, podcasts, and links to websites are available from this database. (See Research Resources on the library homepage.)

ProQuest Newspapers

Provides online access to current, full text newspaper articles that cover local, national and international events from ten major newspapers including The New York Times , Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and The Christian Science Monitor. (See Research Resources on the library homepage.)

Ebooks from EBSCO, Credo Reference, and Springer

Ebooks are electronic versions of print books. These databases offer searchable full-text ebooks on general and scientific topics. (See Research Resources on the library homepage.)

Online Catalog

Use to find print books and ebooks in the Hartnell College Library. Available from the library's web page. Search by subject, keyword, title, author, and more.

Books Relating to Current Controversial Topics

Students frequently write research papers on controversial topics such as abortion, animal rights, bilingual education, capital punishment, censorship, euthanasia, gun control, homelessness, etc. Series that present various viewpoints on these controversial subjects are: Information Plus (current editions shelved at the Reference Desk) Current Controversies, Opposing Viewpoints, Contemporary Issues, Contemporary World Issues, and Ideas in Conflict. To search for books in these series, use the "advanced search" tab in the online catalog.

Related Web Sites

Public Agenda Online, The Inside Source for Public Opinion & Policy Analysis offers nonpartisan briefing on policy and polling.

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