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Other Services and Information 

DSPS Lab Procedures

DSPS has a dedicated Lab, within the DSPS office where students can come to study, or to learn and use assistive technology and adjustable workstations. Procedures for students with disabilities that need to be adhered to when using the DSPS Lab include:

  • Students need to check in to use the lab, at the front desk of DSPS.
  • Students need to bring a flash drive, etc. to save individual documents.  Documents should not be saved to DSPS Lab computers.  DSPS computers are regularly cleared of any downloads or files.
  • Computers are for educational purposes only.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the DSPS testing area or Lab, with the exception of water, when it is in an enclosed container that will not spill if tipped over.
  • DSPS is a quiet study and testing area. Please use a quiet voice when in the DSPS testing area or Lab.
  • Students with disabilities who are not feeling well, i.e. colds or flu, should not use the DSPS testing area or Lab.  Students are encouraged to use a tissue or their arm when coughing or sneezing.
  • Students should refrain from using perfumes/scents as other students may have chemical sensitivities.
  • No cell-phone calls or use are allowed in the DSPS testing area or Lab.  Students wishing to talk on their phones, should do so outside of DSPS.
  • The Hartnell College Student Code of Conduct is enforced in DSPS and the DSPS Lab.
  • DSPS has a camera system in the DSPS testing area and Lab, with signage posted.
  • The DSPS lab is for students registered with DSPS only. Non-DSPS students are not permitted to use the DSPS testing area or Lab.

Personal Care Attendants

Personal care attendants (PCA’s) are not provided by the College or DSPS.  Students are responsible for securing and paying for their PCA’s.  Students are encouraged to work with the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)San Andreas Regional Center or another community agency that supports people with disabilities for PCA’s. This includes assistance that students with disabilities may request in the participation of Adaptive PE classes, and other activities at the College.

Students who bring PCA’s to the College, should register with DSPS, and provide the information requested by DSPS about the PCA, in order to provide appropriate seating and space in classrooms, labs, and other facilities for the PCA.  Students should register PCA's with DSPS, by meeting with a DSPS counselor.

Disabled Parking

Unless students have a California Department of Motor Vehicle handicap placard or license plate, students need to purchase a Hartnell College parking permit each semester, or purchase a daily parking permit.  If students with disabilities are parking in Disabled parking designated parking spots, or other parking areas, DMV placards need to be properly displayed.  Students with disabilities should park within the parking space lines, and follow the parking signage posted by the College, following the DMV parking policies and procedures for using a disabled placard/plate in CA.

DSPS does not distribute special parking permits, nor can DSPS assist students with disabilities in the cancellation of any parking citation students may receive on, or off campus.


Hartnell College does not offer a transportation or paratransit service to students.  Students with disabilities need to make their own transportation arrangements to the College, and between the Alisal campus and Education Centers.

If a class or College program is being held off campus, and transportation is being provided by the College for all students, then transportation accommodations would need to be discussed with a DSPS Counselor.  Students need to provide the transportation organizer’s name and contact information to the DSPS Counselor, as well as the date(s), time(s) and event schedule.

Service Animals

Students who wish to bring a service animal (defined as a dog or miniature horse), are encouraged to register the service animal with DSPS, in a confidential manner, by meeting with a DSPS Counselor.  Registered service animals can be provided a Hartnell Cat Card, that includes the service animal’s name and picture, reflecting the service animal is part of the Hartnell College community, as all students at the College are provided.  For more information on Service Animals, students need to review the BP3440/AP3440, on the College's website.  

Learning Disability Assessments

Students may request a learning disability assessment with a DSPS LD Specialist if a student suspects they may be facing learning challenges that are impacting their education.  Students need to be enrolled in a class at the College to be eligible for this service offering.  The learning disability assessment consists of a consultation appointment, four 1-hour testing sessions, and a follow up appointment to discuss the results.  Students are encouraged to attend scheduled appointments, to maximize this free offering to enrolled students.

Students preparing to transfer to a four-year institution should contact the university/college to discuss with their DSPS office to understand what medical documentation is required for eligibility for accommodations and services at the new university/college.