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Disability Accommodations & Services

There are three main categories of disability accommodations and services for students with disabilities, and these include classroom, testing and program modifications.


Classroom accommodations and services include the modifications students with disabilities are eligible for in the day-to-day classroom setting, whether in-person, online, or hybrid classes.  Examples include, but are not limited to note-taking and recording, alternative formats, adaptive furniture, sign language interpreters, real time captioning, classroom and class field trip accessibility, and large print handouts.


Testing accommodations and services include the modifications students with disabilities are eligible for in testing situations, whether in-person, online, or hybrid classes.  Examples include, but are not limited to, extended time to take exams and quizzes, a reduced distraction testing environment, a scribe, and large print handouts.

For students with disabilities who are eligible for extended time to take exams and quizzes, the amount of extended time is listed on the student’s Accommodation Letter for the class for the semester.

DSPS has testing policies and procedures that students with disabilities need to follow, to take exams and quizzes in DSPS.

Program Modifications

Program modifications include the disability accommodations and services that a student is eligible for that occur outside the classroom, whether in-person, online, or hybrid classes.  Examples include, but are not limited to, a reduced course load, priority registration, course substitutions, as well as communication, support and advocacy by DSPS for disability accommodations for student participation in internships, apprenticeships, and clinical participation.