(Amended May 16, 2023)
Title 5 §53200 (b): Academic Senate means an organization whose primary function is to make recommendations with respect to academic and professional matters. Section 53200 (c) “Academic and professional matter” means the following policy development and implementation matters:
- Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines
- Degree and certificate requirements
- Grading policies
- Educational program development
- Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success
- District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles
- Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports
- Policies for faculty professional development activities
- Processes for program review
- Processes for institutional planning and budget development
- Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the Academic Senate.
- Evaluation of equivalency for meeting minimum qualifications for faculty positions.
ARTICLE 1: Duties of Officers
- Preside at all meetings of the Senate.
- Represent the faculty at official college functions in person or by appointed representative.
- Represent the faculty at all meetings including meetings of the Board of Trustees and Hartnell College Council.
- Participate as an evaluator in the faculty tenure review process and minimum qualifications equivalency process.
- Nominate all faculty appointments to Hartnell College committees (with consultation of Steering Committee) including college governance committees, faculty selection committees, tenure review peer evaluators, and task forces.
- Be an ex-officio member of all Senate committees.
- Direct the overall operation of the Senate and Senate office, and authorize the expenditure of Senate funds.
- Represent the Senate as the official voting delegate, in person or by proxy, at all meetings of the State Academic Senate.
- Meet on a regular basis with the President and Vice President(s) of the college to discuss matters of mutual concern with the Senate.
- Carry out all directives of the Senate and serve as the chairperson of the Steering Committee.
- Monitor minutes of other governance committees and articulate Senate concerns/positions where appropriate.
- Organize Senate and Steering Committee meetings: prepare agendas, review minutes of previous meetings, coordinate the distribution of information to Senators, provide supplemental information needed for clarification of agenda items, and contact resource speakers who need to attend Senate meetings for informational purposes.
- Be conversant about information of concern to the Senate.
- Review and report on accreditation documents, grant proposals, and other documents sent from the college to various state agencies which require the Senate President’s signature.
- Interact with Associated Students of Hartnell College, as appropriate.
- Aid in writing position statements of the Senate and draft letters to the Superintendent/President and other college officials.
- Provide information to Senators and to Hartnell College faculty on all matters of academic and professional concern including hiring policies, tenure review policy, equivalencies to minimum qualifications, sabbatical leave policy and Governing Board policies.
- During those times of the year when the Academic Senate does not hold regular meetings, the President and Steering Committee shall be empowered to make decisions for the Senate.
1st Vice-President
- Act in the place of the President in the absence of that officer.
- Succeed and fulfill the office of President for the remainder of the unexpired term in the event that office becomes vacant.
- Act as parliamentarian at all meetings of the Senate.
- Perform such functions and duties as directed by the President or Steering Committee.
- Sit as a member of and regularly attend meetings of the Academic Senate, Senate Steering Committee and at least one governance committee or Senate standing committee.
- Attend Fall and Spring Institutes and/or Plenary Sessions.
- Closely work with the President to learn the functions of that office.
- With the President, serve as an evaluator in the faculty tenure review process.
- Serve as a member of the Steering Committee.
2nd Vice-President
- Act in the place of the President when the 1st Vice President is not available.
- Succeed and fulfill the office of the 1st Vice President for the remainder of the unexpired term in the event that office becomes vacant.
- Perform such functions and duties as directed by the President or Steering Committee.
- Sit as a member of and regularly attend meetings of the Academic Senate, Senate Steering Committee, and at least one governance committee or Senate standing committee.
- Aid in drafting position papers or letters.
- Attend State Senate Fall and Spring Institutes and/or Plenary Sessions.
- Serve as a member of the Steering Committee.
- Monitor attendance at Senate meetings.
- Assist the President with the preparation of Senate meeting minutes, the correction of the minutes and distribution as necessary.
- As appropriate, prepare a tentative budget and present it to the Senate for adoption.
- Periodically review expenditures of the Senate.
- Sit as a member of and regularly attend meetings of the Academic Senate, Senate Steering Committee, and at least one governance committee or Senate standing committee.
- Assist the President with updating the Academic Senate website and maintaining records of Senate actions.
- Attend State Senate Fall and Spring Institutes and/or Plenary Sessions.
- Serve as a member of the Steering Committee.
Senator At-Large
- Perform such functions and duties as directed by the President or Steering Committee.
- Assist with the orientation of new full-time and adjunct faculty.
- Interact with Associated Students of Hartnell College and report as appropriate.
- Sit as a member of and regularly attend meetings of the Academic Senate, Senate Steering Committee, and at least one governance committee or Senate standing or ad hoc committee.
- Attend State Senate Fall and Spring Institutes and/or Plenary Sessions.
- Serve as a member of the Steering Committee.
Immediate Past-President
- Serve as a member of the Senate with full privileges, rights and responsibilities.
- Serve as a member of the Steering Committee for only the year immediately following his/her presidency.
- Provide the Senate with a historical perspective when such information is appropriate and/or solicited.
ARTICLE 2: Duties of Senators
- Attend all Senate meetings.
- Represent the needs and opinions of their constituents to the Senate.
- Perform liaison functions with governance committees.
- Serve on at least one governance or Senate standing or ad hoc committee.
- Regularly inform their constituents as to the business and actions of the Senate.
- Work to build collegiality among the academy.
- Perform other duties as assigned by the Senate President.
ARTICLE 3: Duties of Senate Steering Committee
- Give direction to the Senate.
- Act as advisor to the Senate President.
- Set the agenda for Senate meetings.
- Recommend to the Senate faculty appointments for governance, standing committees, selection committees and special task forces.
- Define the goals of the Senate each year.
- Form and recommend membership of ad hoc committees with approval of the Senate.
- Monitor and report on the activities of governance, standing and ad hoc committees.
- Run Senate elections.
- Attend all Senate meetings and communicate with the membership.
- Schedule and attend meetings with college administrators as required.
- Report on State Senate Fall and Spring Institutes and/or Plenary Sessions.
- Assist with the orientation of new full-time and adjunct faculty.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the Senate and Senate standing committees at the end of each year.
- Review the Senate constitution and by-laws each year.
- During those times of the year when the Academic Senate does not hold regular meetings, the President and Steering Committee shall be empowered to make decisions for the Senate.
ARTICLE 4: Selection Committee Appointments
- Faculty appointments to all selection committees must be approved by the Senate by a simple majority vote.
- Nominations for faculty or administrative selection committee positions shall be solicited from the discipline or area faculty in which there is a vacancy.
- Additional nominations may be made from the floor prior to the vote of the Senate.
- Nothing in this process can conflict with the Hartnell College Hiring Policy.
ARTICLE 5: Academic Senate Standing Committees
In accordance with Board Policy 2510, the Academic Senate's primary function, as the representative of the faculty, is to make recommendations to the administration of the College and the Board of Trustees with respect to academic and professional matters. In order to fulfill this function, the Academic Senate establishes the following standing committees:
- Curriculum Committee
- Distance Education Committee
- Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee
- Faculty Professional Development and Flex Committee
- Program Planning, Outcomes and Assessment Committee
- Student Success and Equity Committee
The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to maintain the quality and integrity of courses and programs offered at Hartnell College. All courses and programs are regularly evaluated for educational content, appropriateness, value to the students served, alignment with the mission of the college, and compliance with regulations. As delegated by the Academic Senate, the Curriculum Committee approves, for recommendation to the Board of Trustees, all new and revised courses and programs in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing California Community Colleges.
The functions and operating guidelines of the Curriculum Committee are determined by the Academic Senate and applicable sections of California Code of Regulations (Title 5) and the Education Code:
- Review and approve all new and revised credit courses for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- Review and approve all new and revised noncredit courses for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- Review and approve appropriate requisites including prerequisites, co-requisites, and advisories for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- Review and approve appropriate online modalities for courses including synchronous and asynchronous online, and hybrid for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- Review and approve all new and revised credit and noncredit programs for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- Review and approve all course and program deletions/inactivations for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- Review and approve graduation and general education requirements for the associate degree for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- In collaboration with the Articulation Officer, review and recommend courses for submission to the UC and/or CSU system for inclusion on the transfer list of courses which satisfy general education requirements.
- Review and approve high school articulation proposals for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- Place all courses in disciplines for application of minimum qualifications.
- Assign programs to meta majors and review program maps in support of Guided Pathways.
- Review and approve policy changes pertaining to curricular issues for recommendation to the Academic Senate.
- Support development of new curricula and dissemination of information about curriculum regulations and processes.
- The Curriculum Chair will regularly attend and/or provide reports to the Academic Senate.
- The Curriculum Committee does not approve Community Education courses. However, all proposed Community Education courses will be sent to the Curriculum Committee for review and to ensure that there is no conflict with credit courses.
- Provide training to members in compliance with CCCCO certification requirements for delegation of local approval.
- Develop and maintain resilient curriculum processes to improve the college’s ability to continue offering courses during disasters.
Faculty chairperson or faculty co-chairs (elected by the committee in spring of even years for a 2-year term)
Vice-President of Academic Affairs or designee
Two Deans of Academic Affairs (committed to serving a 2-year term)
Dean of Student Affairs: Enrollment Services
At least nine faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate to ensure representation from each Meta Major and library and counseling faculty (3-year terms, staggered):
- Agriculture, Business and Industries
- Arts and Languages
- Health Sciences
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
Members above are all voting members. The chair/co-chairs only in the case of a tie. Due to the complexity of curriculum issues and the amount of advance preparation and reading needed, there are no proxy votes. Members must be present at the meeting to vote. A member may not send a substitute to attend and vote at a meeting that they are unable to attend.
Administrative Support:
The college will provide support staff to maintain course management software, record committee activities, ensure accuracy of data listed in the schedule of classes and catalog, and maintain the Curriculum Committee website.
The Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Senate, as established through mutual agreement between the District and the Academic Senate, whose purpose is to apply established criteria to make prioritized recommendations for the hiring of full-time faculty and forward those recommendations, on behalf of the Academic Senate, to the College Planning Council.
The functions and operating guidelines of the Full-Time Hiring Committee include the following:
- Review requests for new and replacement faculty positions through the academic program review process and academic divisions program review summaries.
- Review and critically evaluate supportive data relative to each new or replacement faculty position. Data are classified according to an internal process developed in collaboration with the Academic Senate President (or designee), the Vice President of Academic Affairs (or designee), the Vice President of Student Affairs (or designee), the Associate Vice President of Human Resources & Equal Employment Opportunity (or designee) and the Associate Vice-President of Institutional Equity, Effectiveness and Success. Support data include such measures as: institutional need, impact of program, discipline trends in enrollment, completion, revenue/cost ratios, funding source, efficiency, percent of full-time instructors currently in the discipline area, program awards (degrees and certificates) and other available data that the committee deems appropriate.
- Adhere to a voting process based upon the following considerations:
- Each committee member is responsible for exercising his or her independent judgment in prioritizing each position
- To participate in the voting process, each committee member (or a proxy) must be in attendance for all meetings
- Voting will include all committee members
- Collaboratively, the committee will determine a Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 prioritization for recommended hires.
- The tiered list of recommended full-time faculty positions will be submitted to the Academic Senate and Hartnell College Council.
- The Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee Chair will regularly report on committee activities during Academic Senate meetings and will ensure that minutes are posted in a timely manner to the college website.
- An evaluation of the effectiveness of the committee will be conducted each spring semester and distributed to committee members, the Academic Senate and the Office of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness.
Faculty chairperson (elected by the committee for a 2-year term)
Vice-President of Academic Affairs, permanent
Academic Senate President (or designee), permanent
Vice President of Human Resources & Equal Employment Opportunity, permanent
Associate Vice-President of Institutional Equity, Effectiveness and Success, permanent
A combination of faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate to represent each Meta Major area, two per Meta Major (3-year terms, staggered):
- Agriculture, Business and Industries
- Arts and Languages
- Health Sciences
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
In addition, there are two faculty members representing Counseling, and one Librarian.
One Confidential staff member involved in recruitment activities from Human Resource/Equal Employment Opportunity, permanent
One student, 1-year term, appointed by Student Senate
Administrative Support
The college will provide support staff to collect and organize requested data, record committee activities, and maintain the committee website.
The Faculty Professional Development and Flex Committee serves to encourage and further the professional development of faculty which, in turn, promotes the College Mission and its goals. In collaboration with the Professional Development Committee, committee members will establish a faculty development budget, review and allocate faculty development funds, plan flex activities, and establish criteria for approval of faculty development funds requests and flex credit.
In order to meet its responsibilities, the Faculty Development Committee will:
- Plan for faculty development and flex activities.
- Develop criteria for allocation of faculty development funds.
- Review and approve requests for faculty development funds according to established criteria.
- Review and approve requests for flex credit according to established criteria.
- Maintain records of committee actions and flex activities.
- An evaluation of the effectiveness of the committee will be conducted each spring semester and distributed to committee members, the Academic Senate and the Office of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness.
Professional Development Committee co-chair (faculty member)
One faculty member from each Meta Major area (3-year terms, staggered):
- Agriculture, Business and Industries
- Arts and Languages
- Health Sciences
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
In addition, there is one faculty member representing Counseling and one Librarian.
The primary purpose of the Program Planning, Outcomes and Assessment Committee is to facilitate both program planning and outcome and assessment processes and activities college-wide.
In order to meet its responsibilities, the Program Planning, Outcomes and Assessment Committee will perform the following:
- Facilitate college-wide discussions among instructional and non-instructional areas on the development and implementation of processes.
- Develop and recommend the processes and documentation for instructional and non-instructional areas.
- Review status/progress and make recommendations to the Accreditation Council.
- Serve as a resource regarding program planning as well as outcomes and assessment issues.
- Ensure documentation of Program Planning, Outcomes and Assessment Committee activities.
- Ensure that all members of the Program Planning, Outcomes and Assessment Committee are knowledgeable concerning the Accreditation Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) standards and State Academic Senate positions regarding outcomes and assessment.
- An evaluation of the effectiveness of the committee will be conducted each spring semester and distributed to committee members, the Academic Senate and the Office of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness.
Two faculty co-chairs, permanent
Dean of Student Equity and Pathways, permanent
A combination of faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate to represent each Meta Major area, two per Meta Major (3-year terms, staggered):
- Agriculture, Business and Industries
- Arts and Languages
- Health Sciences
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
In addition, there are two faculty members representing Counseling, and one Librarian.
One representative from each of the following areas: (3-year terms, staggered)
- Student Affairs
- Administrative Services
- Information technology
The purpose of the Student Success and Equity Committee is to research the literature, examine and develop resources as well as offer advice and direction to the Academic Senate on matters related to improving equity and student success at Hartnell College. We commit to provide a student-centered design of the college experience to ensure that every student receives what they need in a tailored pathway to successfully achieve their varied educational, career and personal goals. We will promote an anti-racism and anti-sexism agenda. We will raise awareness to the historical context of inequity and promote evaluation as well as reform of policies and practices that produce structural inequity. We pledge to work to correct other forms of systemic oppression against students based on race/ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexuality, national origin, citizenship status, class, socioeconomic status, ability, language, religion, age, physical appearance, intersections of these identities, and others not yet identified.
In order to meet its responsibilities, the Student Success and Equity Committee will perform the following functions:
- Members will address and make recommendations for student support needed at the college including equity minded teaching/learning practices and co-curricular programming designed to support course completion and success.
- Shape and facilitate improvement of student services policies and strategies for students as they enter college; Members will advance recommendations and help facilitate more equitable policies and strategies to increase student completion and efficiency, increase transfer to 4-year institutions and improve employment subsequent to training and completion.
- Advance recommendations made in the Student Equity Plan (SEP) to ensure continued improvement of both instructional and student services support at the college.
- Update the required SEP overall long-term goals, develop the action plan, follow up on the plan’s activities, and contribute to mandatory reports.
- Collaborate with other campus stakeholders to promote opportunities for student success/equity.
- Develop and help implement activities designed to improve equity in learning methodologies, enrollment services, pathways, instructional support, student services, and follow-up services.
- Members will facilitate and support equity awareness through professional development focused on equity minded teaching and learning practices among Hartnell faculty and share strategies, research and information with faculty across disciplines. Create campus-wide professional development activities designed to improve equity in learning methodologies,enrollment services, pathways and support, student services, and follow-up services.
- Document committee actions and activities.
- Members will set annual goals by the final meeting of each academic year.
- Provide monthly reports for the Academic Senate and one or more governing councils (at least once per semester) on activities and their effect on student success and equity.
Chair or co-chairs elected by the committee, responsible for planning, facilitating, and web site record keeping for the monthly meetings; reporting out to the Academic Senate and governance councils; and coordinating with the Professional Development Committee chair.
A minimum of nine faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate to represent each Meta Major area:
- Agriculture, Business and Industries
- Arts and Languages
- Health Sciences
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
In addition, faculty members appointed should also represent Counseling and Librarians.
Part-time Faculty
Education Centers - Satellite Campuses
Director of Continuing Education
Academic Follow-Up services Specialist or Early Support Program Rep
Office of Veteran Services
DSPS Representative
Student Senate
CSEA Representative
Dean of Languages, Learning Support & Resources or Equity Programs
Director of Academic Affairs, Student Academic Support or Representative
Director of Student Affairs, Office of Equity Program
Tutorial Services Coordinator
The Distance Education Committee functions to develop policies and procedures and promote practices that contribute to the quality and growth of distance education at Hartnell College. With the understanding that faculty should have the primary responsibility for developing policies and promoting distance education practices, the Committee supports innovative application of technology and methodology to create accessible, inspiring, and measurably effective learning opportunities for an increasingly diverse student population. The Committee promotes ongoing faculty development in order to ensure that faculty who teach distance education courses are able to provide high quality learning environments for Hartnell students.
The Committee makes recommendations to the Senate, The Academic Affairs Council, the Hartnell College Council and various other pertinent bodies regarding policies and plans for all aspects of distance education, and collaborates with all campus constituencies to support distance education students, faculty, staff, and administrators.
In order to meet its responsibilities, the Distance Education Committee will perform the following functions:
- Provide a forum for dealing with evolving issues in distance and digital education and disseminates information about these issues to the campus community.
- Develop and implement a comprehensive Distance Education Plan; monitor progress and update the plan regularly.
- Ensure compliance with state and federal regulations, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, and the Accreditation Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) standards.
- Comply with Title V mandates for reporting of DE activities to the Academic Senate and Board of Trustees.
- Report, review and evaluate current practices in the development and delivery of online courses and how these practices impact student success.
- Make recommendations for improvement to the Academic Senate, The Academic Affairs Success Council, the Hartnell College Council and other pertinent bodies regarding distance education and other online delivery of instructional material.
- Support faculty in development and delivery of online courses by facilitating faculty professional development activities and by establishing and maintaining best practices for online course delivery and recommended skills for teaching online.
- Collaborate with the Curriculum Committee to ensure that DE addenda to the course outline of record meet Title 5 requirements for regular and effective contact and accessibility.
- Collaborate on areas of mutual interest with other senate committees.
- Ensure that DE Committee activities and actions are documented.
- Complete annual and comprehensive program reviews for the purpose of planning, evaluation, and resource allocation (if applicable).
- Conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the Committee each spring semester and distribute results to committee members, the Academic Senate and the Office of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness.
Chair: Faculty member elected by the committee, 2 years
Faculty Distance Education Liaison, permanent (if applicable)
A combination of faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate to represent each Meta Major area, two per Meta Major (3-year terms, staggered):
- Agriculture, Business and Industries
- Arts and Languages
- Health Sciences
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
In addition, there are two faculty members representing Counseling, and one Librarian.
Instructional Technologist, permanent
One member from Classified Staff, 2-year term
CSEA/L39 Representative, 2 year-term
One student member appointed by the Student Senate, 1 year term
ARTICLE VI: Ad Hoc Committees
The Academic Senate Steering Committee may form and recommend membership of ad hoc committees with approval of the Senate as needed to conduct Senate business. The following ad hoc committees are of special significance to the Senate:
A Faculty Sabbatical Leave Committee may be convened to review applications for sabbatical leave and make recommendations to the Academic Senate and Board of Trustees for approval or disapproval of each leave request. Article 7 of the contract between Hartnell College Faculty Association and the District sets forth the criteria and procedures by which faculty members may apply for sabbatical leave. Applications are considered in terms of their impact upon the total instructional program of the college and are recommended to the superintendent/president for approval, or disapproval, and submission to the Governing Board.
The Sabbatical Leave Committee consists of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, one dean, one presidential designee and four faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate. The Vice President of Academic Affairs convenes the Sabbatical Leave Committee as necessary to review the applications within the established timelines in Article 7. At the first committee meeting, the chair shall be elected by the committee.
A Program Evaluation Committee is tasked with reviewing data and making recommendations relevant to the establishment, modification, revitalization, or discontinuance of an academic program. The Vice President of Academic Affairs convenes a Program Evaluation Committee as necessary to review new program proposals or to critically review a program identified by a member of the program discipline, the program’s academic Dean, the Vice President of Academic Affairs or the Academic Senate as “at-risk” due to long-standing trends noted through the annual or comprehensive review process. AP 4021 establishes the criteria and procedures for establishing, revitalizing or discontinuing academic programs.
Program Evaluation Committees will normally include the following members:
The Vice President of Academic Affairs as co-chair
The Academic Senate President or designee as co-chair
One Dean from the program discipline area
One Dean from another discipline area
One faculty member who teaches in the discipline area (the academic director, or program initiator, if applicable) appointed by the Academic Senate
One faculty member who teaches in a related and/or non-related discipline area appointed by the Academic Senate
Curriculum Committee Chair or designee
One student appointed by the Student Senate
ARTICLE VII: Amendment to the Bylaws
The Bylaws can be amended by a simple majority affirmative vote of the Senate, providing written notice of any proposed amendment was filed with the Senate President at least two weeks preceding the vote. Copies of the proposed changes must be given to Senators at least two weeks prior to the vote.