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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

There is a SIMPLE and Important method to improving your departments rankings in both Google and in the Hartnell Website Search Engine results.  Create correct and appropriate meta-data for your developed pages!

Whenever you are creating a NEW page on the website:

slide showing how to create a new internal page

You are always prompted for the Following Metadata fields:

Slide depicting the metadata elements promted when creating a new page

By filling out the meta-data fields you are giving your web page the matadata needed to be found and ranked within Google and the Hartnell College Search Engine!  


Page Title: Chose a page Title that is unique (not used on other pages) and is between 10 and 70 characters for best results.

Description: Create a description of the page between 70 and 160 characters for best results. 

Tags: This is for internal use only and will allow you to find pages by grouped by tag names

Keywords: Starting woth the most relevant create a list of ten to fifteen comma seperated keywords or keyword phrases.


Pre-Existing Pages without Meta-Data! 

The Hartnell College website was transferred from a previous web editing software (Drupal) and put into new 'blank' templates.  All of the transferred data did not have any meta-data associated with it. It is important for every department to review thier existing pages and update/create the meta-data.

To do this select a page to review and click the light bulb (should turn yellow) to check it out:


screen shot of checking out a page

Once you have the file checked out then select Properties:


screenshot of parameters button

Select Parameters and add in your meta data! 


screen shot showing the meta data fields on a page

Save and Publish your file!  The Hartnell College Search Engine is updated every 24 hours.