The Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) allows for the integration of multiple external applications and resources, from textbook publisher content to free, open-source interactive learning objects. Please note: if you use publisher content that is not accessible to students, you are still responsible for providing accessible content if a student requests it! Take a look at the resources below and see what you can include in your own online, hybrid, or face-to-face classes!
Guides & Documents
Integrated Publisher Content/Links to Guides: ALEKS Integration Guide, Cambridge myBusinessCourse Instructor Guide & Cambridge Student Guide, Carnegie Mellon OLI Support, Cengage instructor guide, Electude Integration Guide, Elsevier/EVOLVE Integration Guides, FlipGrid Integration Instructions, Hawkes Learning Instructor Training Resources, Labster Instructor Guide & Labster Technical Support Page, MacMillan Achieve Instructor Support, McGraw-Hill Connect Instructor Guide & McGraw-Hill Connect Student Guide, Pearson Revel LTI, Office Mix, Turnitin Guides, WileyPLUS Faculty Guide, ZyBooks Instructor Guide
*NEW* LTI App Request Form: This form will allow you to request new LTI applications be added to Canvas. Please pre-screen (to the best of your ability) the application by using the LTI Approval Rubric. Approved applications will be integrated between active terms and should be available for the term following the request, and approvals take approximately 1-2 weeks. If this application is not approved, you will be notified by email and if you disagree with the assessment, have the ability to appeal to the Technology Development Council.
NetTutor: This is a live tutoring service provided through the OEI grant. NetTutor is already embedded in every Canvas course, so your students will have access as long as you publish your course shell!
Online Education Initiative (OEI): Learn more about this statewide initiative, the online course exchange and how to join.
Open Education Resources (OER): Find and use free online resources, from free textbooks to online interactive objects!
Turnitin Quick Start Guide: This guide covers how to create Turnitin assignments in Canvas, which will instantly scan your student's papers for plagiarism and provide you with a detailed report! Watch the Turnitin app video, get online training, or check out the student help videos.
Other Guides: Using Turnitin for Drafts (prevent self-plagiarism false flag)