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Articulation- What is it?

Articulation is a formal agreement between colleges and universities designed to streamline transfer from a community college to a university without experiencing duplication of coursework. Completing an articulated course, for a specific major or for general education, enables students to satisfy a university admission and/or graduation requirement while at Hartnell College, prior to transfer.

Hartnell College has articulation agreements with California State University, University of California and several Private and Independent Colleges. Students interested in transferring should work closely with an Academic Counselor to interpret Articulation Agreements and ensure their education plan includes coursework that will maximize the efficiency of their time at the Community College.

The Articulation Officer can work closely with Faculty as an advisor for Articulation related issues when developing or revising curriculum.

Students and Faculty should communicate with the Articulation Officer if they identify an opportunity for articulation (i.e. any courses the College offers that are not articulated with a 4 year university). The Articulation Officer is the official liaison between institutions and will initiate communication with the four year institution to begin the articulation process.

Resources for Counselors & Faculty

ASSIST Legacy Website (as of 16-17, no longer being updated)

ASSIST (NEW) Info Center

Associate Degrees for Transfer Templates

California Intersegmental Articulation Council (CIAC)

The purpose of the California Intersegmental Articulation Council (CIAC) is to serve as a statewide forum for Articulation Officers to meet, discuss, and resolve college transfer and articulation issues; and to facilitate the progress of students between and among the segments of postsecondary education in California.

CSUGE Guiding Notes

Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

C-ID is a supranumbering system developed to ease transfer and articulation in California's higher education institutions. Currently, C-ID has 386 approved descriptors and 33 draft descriptors from over 81 different disciplines. To be used in the Associate Degree for Transfer templates, most courses will require C-ID approval. 

Hartnell College Curriculum Committee Resources

Hartnell College General Education Philosophy & Criteria AP 4025 

Hartnell College General Education Patterns

IGETC Standards

TEMPist (Temporary ASSIST)

This page will provide links to sites developed by the individual universities for displaying articulation data until the new ASSIST site is launched.

Transfer Evaluation System (TES)

Please contact to request a log-in.

Timeline for Articulation of Courses


Private & Independent Institutions
Existing Articulation Agreements

Arizona State University

Brandman University

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM)

Golden Gate University

Heald College (link to internal document)

Notre Dame de Namur University

National University

Santa Clara University

St. Mary's College