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  • Liquid Nitrogen Cannon

    Liquid Nitrogen Cannon

  • Halloween


    Physics Club Demos

  • Big Sur Marathon

    Big Sur Marathon

    Physics Club students 

  • Physics Club

    Physics Club

    Physics Club meetings scheduled for Fridays at 1:00 PM in N11.

              Everyone is welcomed!!!!!!!

  • Outreach


    Physics club students demonstrating Static Electricity.

  • Physics Olympics

    Physics Olympics

    Bridge Competition

The Physics program at Hartnell College offers course work for a diverse range of students from the community--starting with those merely wishing to learn more of the world around them and finishing with the student pursuing a four-year degree in science or engineering.
Physics courses are available at three different levels, all of which will satisfy the needs of students wishing to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. The level of the physics course that students initially enroll in is largely dependent on their individual math skills.

Upon successful completion of the Physics program, a student should be able to:
• comprehend and articulate basic physics terminology.
• demonstrate proficiency in problem solving, especially with regard to basic physics problems involving major concepts, theories, and principles including, but not limited to:
• conservation of momentum and energy.
• Newtonian mechanics.
• Maxwell’s laws.
• fluid dynamics.
• collect and analyze data effectively using basic laboratory equipment and present results in formally structured laboratory reports

Who To Contact

  • Ram Subramaniam, Ph.D.
    Vice President of Student Success and Teaching Excellence
    Phone: (831) 770-7092
    Building: D - College Administration (North)
    Office: D103
    D - College Administration (North)
  • Alicia Ramirez
    Senior Administrative Assistant
    Phone: (831) 755-6875
    Building: S - STEM Center Building
    Office: S215
    STEM Center Building
