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Transfer Day and College Night are free college fairs for Hartnell Students and Salinas Valleay Area High Schools and their families to meet with a variety of college representatives and receive valuable information about the transfer process, and much more.

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
Student Center @ Hartnell College Main Campus

Transfer Day: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | College Night: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Do you have questions about financial aid?
Join us for a FAFSA/CADAA Information Table
from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the Student Center by Hartnell Financial Aid Office


TDCN2023 Poster


Transfer Day is primarily for current Hartnell students as it will only host universities with transfer information, while College Night is meant for all members of the community, with a primary focus on serving high school seniors and their families.

Find your college fit, RSVP today to attend one (or both!) of the FREE college fairs!

Register here for Transfer Day

Register for College Night

Click on links below for an up-to-date list of participating universities/ programs:
 Transfer Day 2023 Program & College Night 2023 Program



Note to program/ university representatives: Registrations for our college fairs have closed. Those of you who have RSVP'd will be receiving details on the logistics of the day by email by mid October. Thank you!




A heartfelt thank you to those of you who made our Fall 2022 Transfer Day and College Night a success!



Fall 2021 TDCN Transfer Chats Recordings:
Transfer Chats Flyer

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School-Life Balance

University Affordability

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NPR Radio logoCheck out NPR's Life Kit: Tools to help you get it together. On their podcast titled "Most students who want to transfer colleges don't. Here's how to start," published on 11/11/2021, they highlight one of our transfer chats about school-life balance to help you better understand what the transfer process looks and sounds like.