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The Rising Scholars Program provides a welcoming, encouraging, supportive and empowering environment. Our goal is to equip our students to achieve their highest potential through education with individualized support and guidance. The Rising Scholars program is open to all. 

The Hartnell College Rising Scholars Program is part of the Rising Scholars Network. Hartnell College has classes at Salinas Valley State Prison, California Training Facility Soledad, Monterey County Jail, Juvenile Hall and the Youth Center. The Rising Scholars Center is a welcoming space that promotes peer to peer networking, socializing, learning, tutoring, relaxing, special gatherings, workshops and other fun activities.

Become a Rising Scholars Participant for Spring 2025 

Learn More About Rising Scholars

Visit Rising Scholars

The Rising Scholars Center
Phone:(831) 770-6167
Location:Main Campus, Merrill Hall, Building N, 1st Floor

Services We Provide

The Rising Scholars participants (on-campus program) receive the following benefits:

Primary Services

Welcoming and Supportive Staff
Personalized Admissions Support
Priority Registration
Enrollment Assistance
Pro-active Counseling
Student Support Center
Educational Planning, Financial Literacy, Financial Aid and Scholarships
Transfer and Career Assistance

Secondary Services

Referrals to community resources (including food, housing, childcare, and tattoo removal services)
Job and career placement assistance
Record Expungement
Referrals to campus resources (EOPS, DSP&S, Foster and Kinship Care)
Textbook and Chromebook lending (based on availability)
Leadership development and community engagement opportunities
Free printing
Transfer assistance
Free legal services
Peer networking

Our Mission

The purpose of the Rising Scholars Network encourages the enrollment, retention, and success of justice-involved students at Hartnell College through a program that provides education and services that promote personal and academic success. Providing quality education and support to justice-involved students serves a significant interest to the individual, and the public; reducing recidivism and poverty among Californians who have been involved in the criminal justice system.  “Justice-involved” means a person who is currently or formerly incarcerated in a correctional facility, or currently or formerly detained in a juvenile facility.

Our goal is to equip our students to achieve their highest potential through education with individualized support and guidance. Rising Scholars is passionate that every student can learn and recognize that there are several types of learners. Our goal is to meet the academic needs of all students.

Contact Us

Maria De LeonRising Scholars Program Program Assistant
Phone:(831) 770-6167
Brenda JonesJuvenile Justice Program Cordinator
Phone:(831) 755- 6952
Location:Main Campus, Merrill Hall, Room N9
Ana GonzalezDirector of Soledad Education Center
Phone:(831) 755-6051