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All Faculty 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Program, Thursday, August 22, 2024

Time Topic Location
8:00 am Casual Meet & Greet  

Student Center

Building C

8:30 am 

Session Title: Welcome

Presenter: Janet Flores, Co-Chair Professional Development Committee, Chair Faculty Advancement and Opportunities Committee (FAOC)

Steinbeck Hall

Building C

8:35 am

Session Title: Academic Senate

Presenter: Kelly Locke, Academic Senate President 

Welcome New Faculty

Steinbeck Hall

Building C 

8:50 am  - 9:00 am

 Transition to breakout session


9:00 am -

9:50 am


Choose One Session

See Breakout session details

Presenter: DE Committee

This session will be an opportunity for faculty to bring any questions or concerns about Canvas and get help and support. This is part of the DE series. 

LOCATION: Building D Room 279

Presenters: Cynthia Ainsworth, Senorina Vazquez, Tina Esparza 

Come hear how the three special projects to develop culturally responsive pedagogy (funded by the Chancellor's Office) have progressed. Senorina will share her course on SERVE: to enable faculty to engage in deep analysis of their current course syllabus and assignments; Cynthia will share her course on engaging with the ASCCC Cultural Humility Toolkit; and Tina will share training for online teaching skills.

LOCATION: Building D Room 261

Presenters: Kelly Locke

Your course has great content and your students are doing fantastic work. Do your course outcomes really reflect all the things you help your students learn to do? Your degree or certificate is exciting and students who complete it have so many skills. Do your program outcomes show how talented your graduates are? Come to this workshop to learn how to take what your students are able to do and craft it into course SLOs and program PLOs that really reflect the learning. 

LOCATION: Building D Room 277

Presenter: Jason Garrett

The Panther Learning Lab team will share different ways to connect students with the Panther Learning Labs. We will explore how together we can build an academic support culture where students can achieve, belong and succeed. 

LOCATION: Building D Room 267


Building D   

For locations, see Breakout session detail.

9:50 am - 10:00 am

Transition to breakout session


10:00 am -

10:50 am


Choose one session.

See Breakout session details. 

Presenter: DE Committee

This session will go over the basics of building accessibility into your course and available tools like Udoit and Tidy Up. Part of a series of workshops for DE.

LOCATION: Building D Room 279

Presenter: Corina Vasuare, Yeng Yang, Richard Daily

How to bring Ethnic Studies pedagogy and best practices into disciplines outside of this field of study. The Ethnic Studies faculty will bring insights from the various Ethnic Studies' related conferences they attended in Spring 2024 (National Association of Chicana & Chicano Studies, National Conference on Race and Equity, Association for Asian American Studies, et al).

LOCATION: Building D Room 261

Presenter: Brian Palmer

In this talk, we will discuss the varying implementations that the interview exams working group members have used, with their strengths and drawbacks.  We will discuss the various strategies that we have found for using interview exams for handling many challenges such as large class 

LOCATION: Building D Room 277

Presenter: Maria Ceja

Join us for an interactive session on PAWS Self Serve! Learn step-by-step instructions on adding students using Add Authorization, dropping students efficiently, and navigating the system effortlessly.

LOCATION: Building D Room 267

Building D   

For locations, see Breakout session detail.

10:50 am -

11:00 am

Transition to breakout session


11:00 am -

11:50 am


Choose one session. 

See Breakout session details. 

Presenter: DE Committee

This session will cover how to use Canvas to assess SLOs, which will hopefully streamline the SLO assessment process for faculty. Part of the DE series.

LOCATION: Building D Room 279

Presenters: Jennifer Moorhouse, Senorina Vazquez, Leticia Contreras

Are you looking for a way to implement culturally responsive practices in your classroom? Have you considered your grading practice as a pedagogical space in which to do so? Some of the guiding questions we might ask ourselves, when designing a grading practice:

  • Do our assessments foster trust in educational institutions?
  • Do our assessments measure understanding/competence?
  • Do our assessments help move struggling students toward competence?
  • Do our assessments offer hope?

We believe that the Standards Based Grading (SBG) model positively addresses these questions, bringing an equity minded approach to assessment. In this workshop we will share what we have learned and help you to develop an SBG approach for your class.

This work is supported by the California Education Learning Lab (CELL) Grand Challenge grant "Overcoming the Calculus Barrier to STEM." In partnership with CSUMB, our project, “Grading for Growth in Calculus I,” oversaw the implementation of Standards Based Grading in multiple sections of Calculus I at CSUMB and at Hartnell, along with an active learning model with a focus on growth mindset and metacognition. 

LOCATION: Building D Room 261

Presenter: Johnny Perez

In this motivating presentation, we will explore the compelling impact of words on the lives of students at Hartnell College. "Words That Resonate" aims to uncover how everyday language influences student identity, learning, and emotional well-being.

LOCATION: Building D Room 277

Presenter: Dulce Montano, Lupita Barron, Fatima Barron, Leticia Sanchez, Jose Zavala

Join us for an informative session, where we'll explore the comprehensive support services available at the Student Success Center. From Early Support referrals to the Academic Notice and Disqualification process, we'll cover essential topics relevant to faculty. We'll also showcase successful intervention efforts with faculty. Gain insights into the role of the Student Success Specialist and learn how we can work together for student success! 

LOCATION: Building D Room 267

Building D   

For locations, see Breakout session detail.

11:50 am - 

12:50 pm

LUNCH  hosted by Hartnell College Faculty Association (HCFA)

Student Center and Steinbeck Hall, Building C

12:50 pm

Session Title: State of the Union - Faculty Association


Presenter: Nancy Schur-Beymer,

Hartnell College Faculty Association (HCFA) President

Steinbeck Hall

Building C 

1:30 pm -

1:40 pm

Transition to breakout session


1:40 pm -

2:30 pm


Choose one session. 

See Breakout session details. 

Presenter: DE Committee

This session will focus on how to increase student engagement and build community in an online class. Part of the DE series.

LOCATION: Building D Room 279

Presenter: Senorina Vazquez

Leadership manifests itself in different ways in all of us.  Leaders are not supposed to look like “this” or talk like “that” nor dress” like “them”.  By leaning into self-study, engaging in self-reflection, raising up others, centering community voices and values, and providing our daily services we are all unleashing stealth leadership.  By this definition each one of us is a leader!   Often this work can feel as if we are an island and disconnected, and thus emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually taxing.  In this session, we set out to understand where our struggles are shared and how we can find wellness in the chaos of it all together.  This is a tall order!  Come learn how to unleash your stealth leadership while maintaining focus on well-being.

LOCATION: Building D Room 261

Presenter: Trish Tirumpho Sullivan

Utilizing the 5 Perceptual Skills to drive innovation in education and for our students. The 5 Perceptual Skills directly parallel the 5 Language Skills and as global skills (like reading, walking and driving) are never unlearned or forgotten.The 5 Perceptual Skills facilitate problem solving and critical thinking by applying spacial, perspective, proportion, and global lighting to any problem or innovation. This ground-breaking work directly relates to the One Hartnell initiative by removing the "silo" barriers between disciplines at our institution - encouraging collaboration and innovation.

LOCATION: Building D Room 277

Presenter: Jamie Pedroza

Need a break? Come join us for yoga. It will be an opportunity to stretch, practice breathing exercises and help you relax.

LOCATION: Building H Main Gym 

Building D   

For locations, see Breakout session detail.

2:30 pm -

2:40 pm

Transition to breakout session


2:40 pm -

3:30 pm


Choose one session. 

See Breakout session details. 

Moderators: Tina Esparza-Luna, Carol Hobson, Nancy Wheat, Lisa Storm 

This session will be a presentation about the DE Plan that the Distance Education Committee has been working on this year and how it will impact the college, but particularly faculty. There will be time to answer questions. Panel Participants.

LOCATION: Building D Room 279

Presenter: Layheng Ting

This presentation will provide a thorough examination of key metrics related to Latinx student success at Hartnell College. Utilizing a diverse dataset covering aspects such as enrollment, learning progress, momentum, completion, post-graduation success, and external environmental factors. The presentation aims to provide insights into the student profile of our Latinx students and to highlight both areas of achievement and areas for improvement in supporting Latinx student success. Through the application of statistical analysis and data visualization techniques, the presentation will identify disparities and trends within Latinx student outcomes, offering valuable insights for institutional stakeholders. Additionally, data-informed recommendations will be presented, targeting the enhancement of support services, the implementation of targeted interventions, and the cultivation of a more inclusive and equitable academic environment conducive to Latinx student success. By addressing disparities and promoting equitable outcomes, this presentation contributes to the broader dialogue on diversity, equity, and inclusion both at Hartnell College and in higher education more broadly. 

LOCATION: Building D Room 261

Presenter: Travis Williams

In this workshop, each participant will share one teaching tip that might help other faculty members and one teaching challenge they are experiencing.  They will then receive suggestions from their peers on how to address the challenge.  

LOCATION: Building D Room 277

Presenter: Jamie Pedroza

Need a break? Come join us for yoga. It will be an opportunity to stretch, practice breathing exercises and help you relax.

LOCATION: Building H Main Gym 

Building D   

For locations, see Breakout session detail.

3:30 pm

End of Day 1 - 2024 Success Conference Survey