Employees performing classified work of 20+ hours per week or 1,000 hours in a fiscal year.
CalPERS (Home Page)
CalPERS Member Education Center
CalPERS: Employment after Retirement
Guide to Service Retirement Election Application
(Includes forms for Retirement Estimate Request, Retirement Application, Justification
for Absence of Spouse/DP Signature, and Direct Deposit Authorization)
Full-time Instructors, Substitutes working 100 days an academic year.
Adjuncts working 60 hours a pay period or a 50% FTE, academic administrators,
or any eligible employee who voluntarily elects membership.
Note: Employees must advise the District within thirty (30) days of their intended retirement. Retirement cannot be earlier than the first day of the month of normally scheduled final pay.
CalSTRS (home page)
*Note: County # 027; District # 024
CalSTRS: Guide to CalSTRS Benefits / Member Handbook
CalSTRS: Guide - Join CalSTRS? Join CalPERS?
CalSTRS: Retirement System Election Form
(Booklet comparing the two CA Systems & Election Form )
Service Retirement Application Process
(Available to BOTH classified and academic employees)
Help Choosing a Voluntary Retirement Plan
IRS Retirement FAQs
CA Dept. Of Insurance Intro to Annuities
TSA Consulting Group
Our partner in providing 403(b) administrative services for all contributions, distributions,
and roll-overs of employee and retiree 403(b) accounts.
Click above "TSA Consulting Group" link to access:
Authorized Investment Providers (Vendor List)
Salary Reduction Agreement Form (SRA)
SRA Form online processing instructions
Click Here (access below and more Forms)
COVID-19 Relief Form
IRS Rules
Transaction Routing for
Hardship Disclosure/Withdrawal
403b vs 457 Plan Comparison
Note: Completed forms MUST be received at TSA by the last business day of the month to be processed for last day of the following month.
Online Distribution System Requests
(Immediate processing of distribution requests)
2020 TSA Meaningful Notice/Plan Summary Information
Related links:
IRS 403(b) page
On-Line IRS publication #571: Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans (403(b) Plans)
CalPERS 457 Supplemental Retirement Plan
*Note: CalPERS 457 plan number: 450-471
CalPERS 457 Plan Introduction (video)
(4 minutes total viewing time)
Bridging the Gap: Enrolling in CalPERS Supplemental Income 457 Plan (video)
(5.36 minutes total viewing time)
CalPERS 457: Roth (after tax) Option - All Forms
CalPERS 457: Roth Overeview
CalPERS 457: Roth Enrollment Kit
CalPERS 457: Roth CHANGE Authorization Form
CalPERS 457 Change of Address
(CalPERS members use MYCalPERS )
Telephone appointments with our CalPERS 457 Account Manger, Debbie Orlauski, CRC
Related links: