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Resources for Online Students

The Math, Science and Engineering program at Hartnell College is designed to meet the needs of the diverse community of interest served by the community college.  Associate Degrees are available in the following areas:  Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry,  Computer Science, Earth Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics.  Associate Degrees for transfer are available in Mathematics and Physics, with others coming soon.  Generally degrees in Math, Science and Engineering lead to transfer to a four-year institution.  With a four-year degree in Math, Science, and Engineering some possible careers are:  research, teaching, engineering, medicine and other health sciences, work with governmental agencies and private companies.   Math, Science, and Engineering also provides a wide slate of courses for General Education in the Sciences and Math.  Courses designed for skill development in Math are available at all levels.    

There are many support programs available to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) students, including MESA, Math Academy, tutoring and supplemental instruction, the Hartnell Internship Program, and various student clubs.  

Who To Contact

  • Ram Subramaniam, Ph.D.
    Vice President of Student Success and Teaching Excellence

    Phone: (831) 770-7092
    Building: D - College Administration (North)
    Office: D103
    D - College Administration (North)
  • Alicia Ramirez
    Senior Administrative Assistant
    Phone: (831) 755-6875
    Building: S - STEM Center Building
    Office: S215
    STEM Center Building
