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Languages present instruction in English, Communication Studies, English as a Second Language, Spanish and other foreign languages.

Students study an appreciation of the cultures of the world and how to organize, assess and explain information. 

The ultimate goal is to enrich student knowledge and to develop student ability to articulate their thoughts with clarity and imagination, thereby preparing students for productive, culturally rich lives as informed and participating citizens. 

Who To Contact

  • Dr. Marianne Fontes
    Dean of Academic Affairs, Languages, Learning Support & Resources
    Phone: (831) 755-6827
    Building: A - Library/Learning Resource Center (LRC)
    Office: A-118
    Library/Learning Resource Center (LRC)
  • Delia S. Edeza
    Administrative Assistant III
    Phone: 831-755-6916
    Building: A - Library/Learning Resource Center (LRC)
    Office: A-119
    Library/Learning Resource Center (LRC)
