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Cooperative Work Experience

The Cooperative Work Experience (CWE) program offers you the ability to earn academic credit for working. You will be required to have a job or volunteer position to enroll in the course. In this individualized work-based learning opportunity, you will design learning objectives with your instructor and earn transferable credit with a letter grade.

Cooperative Work Experience provides the opportunity for you to gain transferable skills or assist in a plan to advance within your existing work environment. Your employment does not have to relate to your major. Your assignments for the semester will include on-the-job progress reports, measurable worksite objectives, employer evaluation, and a final reflection paper.

The program fosters professional growth and you are encouraged to:

  •  Identify challenging objectives on the job
  • Improve relationships at work
  • Increase visibility
  • Extend knowledge gained in the classroom to the workplace
  • Utilize professional work habits
Units of Work Experience PAID Average Hours Worked Per Week* Total Semester Hours UNPAID Average Hours Per Week* Total Semester Hours


5 Hours 75 Hours 4 Hours 60 Hours
2 10 Hours 150 Hours 8 Hours 120 Hours
3 15 Hours 225 Hours 12 Hours 180 Hours

Students must participate in orientation to enroll. For more information, please send a message to or   

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