Resolution 3.07
Subject: Fund Raising Events in Campus Facilities
Date: November 28, 2006
Mover: Liz Estrella
Division/Department: Counseling
Passed: Unanimously
Whereas, On
September 12, 2006 there was a meeting and luncheon of the Rotary Club of
Salinas held in the new Hartnell College Library & Learning Resource Center
during regular operating hours; and,
the Library is a place for study and learning for students, and loud noises and
food are not allowed; and,
Whereas, the
Rotary Club meeting included the use of a sound system on a floor designated
for quiet study and research; and,
Whereas, the
consumption of food in the Library was in disregard of the posted signs and
policies; and,
Whereas, access
to Reference Services and the book stacks was significantly limited; and,
Whereas, use
of the second floor chairs by the Rotary Club diners reduced students ability
to use computers, tables, and study carrels; and,
Whereas, the
Library includes a Community Room (Room 105) and a large Distance Learning Lab
with moveable tables (Room 113); and,
Whereas, this
event disrupted the study of many students and set a poor example of expected
library behavior; and,
let it be resolved, that the Academic Senate for Hartnell College reaffirms
that student learning and study are among the colleges highest priorities, and
the rooms and spaces, designated for learning and study be protected and
preserved for students usage; and,
Let it be
resolved, that the Academic Senate for Hartnell College recommends that future
meetings or fundraising events will be held in suitable campus rooms and
spaces, and only at times so as not to disrupt students regular study.