Resolution 2.07
Subject: Shared Governance Committees
Date: November 28, 2006
Mover: Melissa Stave
Division/Department: PE/Athletics
Passed: Unanimously
Whereas, Section
70902 (B)(7) states: The governing
board of each district shall establish procedures to ensure faculty, staff, and
students the opportunity to express their opinions at the campus level, and to
ensure that these opinions are given every reasonable consideration, and the
right of academic senates to assume primary responsibility for making
recommendations in the areas of curriculum and academic standards; and,
Section 53203 (F) states: The
appointment of faculty members to serve on college committees shall be made,
after consultation with the chief executive officer or designee, by the
academic senate; and,
Whereas, faculty
there is no master list of faculty currently serving on committees and thus no
way to know if new faculty members need to be recruited and appointed by the
Senate; and,
the Senate has repeatedly requested that committee chairs supply committee
descriptions, membership lists, meeting schedules and minutes; and,
each shared governance committee must provide the Academic Senate with monthly
committee reports; and,
Whereas, there
is a severe breakdown in communications with shared governance committees due
to this situation; and,
let it be resolved, that the Academic Senate for Hartnell College finds all
current committee appointments invalid and, at this point in time, rescinds all
appointments until committee chairs supply committee descriptions, membership
lists, meeting schedules, current minutes and requests for faculty appointments
to the Academic Senate; and,
Let it be
resolved, that the Academic Senate for Hartnell College will begin considering
requests for approval of faculty appointments, documents, reports, proposals,
and other such items when the committee structure has been re-established and
the above deficiencies corrected.